Sunday, January 17, 2010


Suddenly I feel like I'm a real coward.

I got a question from him which made me feel like a coward.The question is: You really afraid of your dad? My answer is: Yes, kind of.

Yes, you can say I'm a coward of concealing my relationship from my dad, but everything I'm doing now, is for our future. I need to bear the consequences of telling him the truth, if he agreed, of course it is nothing better than great, but if he disagreed, I dare not face with that situation.

And one more, I don't really want to nag you over "it", but Please consider, it's for your own good and as well as our future.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Do you feel lonely?

I guess everyone does and this is what I'm feeling now.

A sudden feeling running through my veins in the middle of the night, ain't a good thing.

The feeling of loneliness is so abstract, it can't be described but it can be felt.

I need someone by my side but I don't know who to be chosen. Is it him or him?

One thing I'm pretty sure is that neither him can accompany me now.

Was this the reason I feel so lonely? God knows.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's never easy

Relationship ain't easy.

A long distance relationship even harder.

Normal distribution shows that percentage of couples broke up in a LDR is higher than those who are still intact together, regardless of whether they were having a strong foundation.

Do we conform into the norm or maybe we are the odd one? I reckon it belongs to both the individuals sharing the mutual understanding of being in a LDR.

It's never been easy to be involved in it, but it could be rather easy if we understand how to make sure the games roll on. Trust is the key of survival.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New hope

New Year, New Hope, New Wish, and New Target.

I'm now moving to the next stage of life, hopefully everything goes accordingly to our plan. :)

This is what I'm hoping for these 3 years and I hope I can succeed and join my baby there.
